Being User friendly in seo
Being User friendly in seo
Being user friendly is a striking issue in seo which lead all businesses attention and concentration to. The prominent role of seo and importance of seo for enterprise navigate webmasters to paying attention on google algorithms and drop the user friendly issue. But indeed it’s an erroneous vision, because Google aims to user satisfaction and announced the importance of being user friendly in seo topic.
Importance of user friendly in seo
Otherwise there isn’t a significant google algorithm by names of user friendly, but in google analysis we can observe how user’s behavior and performance strictly evaluated. Indeed seo procedure is tending to user friendly. Branding and informing others can impress seo. When users confront to web branded site announce it as a legible website and this impression cause a sense of trust.
Analysis user behavior in seo

Google evaluate user’s behavior. Visitors inter by means of which keywords, navigate to which pages, visit which pages, how much time they stay, all this information can named as an analysis of visitors behavior. Bounce rate is a negative factor which shows the percentage of visitors who close your webpage instantly.
Being mobile friendly in seo
Compatible with Mobile and other devices named mobile friendly, represent the importance of user friendly by focusing on mobile users. Growth in mobile users lead to development related algorithm by means of increasing user’s satisfaction.