Heading tags in seo

Heading tags in seo

As we mention in many article, content role a significant element in seo and site optimization. But not any content! The content must be provided in consideration of seo factors. Title tag, heading tags, description tags are some central factors in seo procedure.

Importance of heading in seo

Heading tags is using for determining topics and cause to understand search engine, which part is content and which sentences are topics. Topics and title can express what you are focusing and mentioning in the article. So therefore heading tags play this role to express topics and title in the article which almost shown in bold font. Heading tags count in h1 to h10 in proportion of topics prominent. In this order that for the main topic, placed in h1 heading tags and for internal topics for seasons we use h2 to h10 which is appropriate to importance.

Heading types in seo

seo heading

Different heading tags in seo have their appropriate concept. When visitors see a web page, they can easily recognize between topics and paragraphs. But search engine visit your source code, so there should be a distinction between paragraph and topics. Tag h1 can show the main title and topic to search engine and respectively in h2 we can show internal topics and h3 show less important topics and h2. So by reducing the number in heading tag, less prominent of topic can be shown.


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