Seo in the future
Seo in the future
Seo procedure and what is going to face in future expressed as an arguable issue among seo workers and seo specialist. Google algorithm tends to which direction? And in future seo procedure how will organize? In recent years, mobile friendly and the importance of compatible display in mobile and other devices can specifically express google intellectual trend. In the following we illustrate the analysis of seo in the future.
Mobile marketing in seo
If you installed google analytic then you can observe the amount of visitors interred via mobile increase continuously. Indeed in recent years, using internet in mobile and other devices create a revolution in marketing land which some enterprise placed mobile marketing branch and organizing mobile group, as a regulation in their marketing.
Being mobile friendly in seo

Google as a strongest search engine always try for user satisfaction and in this regard increase in user amount which type keywords via mobile treated as a concentrated issue. Google formally declare if website doesn’t develop compatible to mobile devices, drop in ranking significantly appears. Therefore being mobile friendly found as a metric in seo.
Seo in future
Its obvious Google organize its algorithm and metrics in regard to user consent event today or in future. Display compatibility in mobile and also user’s satisfaction and what users require in your website should be converted as a serious issue for webmasters.
Branding in seo
Web masters provide content in regard to their user’s requirement and then try to attract traffic by means of social network and other websites. This procedure can be foundation of web branding. In web branding you inform your brand and kind of supported services and product to users. After the time many visitors directly type your brand instead of keywords.