Template coding in seo
Template coding in seo
Match seo in template means consider seo elements while designing website and implement coding. As you know site speed is one of effective elements in seo and site optimization. If your site need long time for loading, in respond user don’t incline to stay and wait for filling and leave your site. These points refer to the importance of site speed specially coding for site template. In the following discussed about some seo template tips in regard to performance seo process.
Effect of coding in seo
Method of coding and amount of attached css and js files impress site speed and in regard seo.if website template comprise of intense amount of css and js files, as a result last much more time for loading and decrease site speed. Various effects and animation placed in template appeared by the means of coding and java files. So as a recommendation, include minimum level of features in your template and as a regard, growth in site speed and seo can be appeared. Coding and web designing should conform to seo metrics and user tend. It means consider graphic symbols which can attract user opinion and lead to user confidence about your business capability.

Compress files in seo
Compressing files is another element for improving site speed. Some software and online websites implement compressing files and as a result render files in lower size. It’s obvious if you insert all css and js files into one specific file, in result less time for loading would be needed.
Not using internal style in seo
Style file organize in .css format, can be usable in every part of your site. In deed by inserting codes in external style file in .css format, you can call style in every part. This affair leads to reduction in code and no need for repeating same code in every part.