Top seo mistakes
Top seo mistakes
We explain much about importance factors in seo. Difference between seo specialist and a webmaster is related to seo experiences they have. Dos and Don’ts in seo procedure help you to place to correct direction.
Seo mistakes
As we mentioned in white hat seo and black hat seo, the intensely mistake in seo is using black hat seo tactics. Although black hat seo may show result in short time, but in long time may impress negatively in site rankings or even cause penalize or site omission from result pages. In order to achieve customer satisfaction in a short time, some seo workers trend to provide backlinks and as a result they confront website to dangerous traps. Buying backlinks which paid for temporary period of time face seo and ranking to problem.
Not updated seo site

Unfortunately some soe workers aren’t adequate skilled and update and they don’t inform about google algorithm updates. So if you want to be as a seo specialist inform about latest update of google algorithms.
Best method for seo site
Eventually we recommend using white hat seo methods which focus on Provision user friendly content for attracting visitors. And also consider soe elements in coding and source webpage to embody seo rels and tags. Always keep it mind that google set algorithm for users satisfaction, so in regard make your attempt and navigate to attracting for more traffic.